Lite-Tek Entertainment is a concert lighting production company that specializes in live productions, corporate events, and tour rentals. As a regional production provider, we serve the Mid-Atlantic region with locations in Richmond, VA and Charlotte, NC. Our services range from providing lights to small affairs, medium bus and trailer tours, and large scale multi truck and stage events. We offer friendly, personal service to let every customer know they are an important part of our business.
Design: Our talented designers can bring your vision to reality. Our programmers can create effective, tourable shows on any lighting platform for a wide range of venues. With staff experienced in all aspects of both concert and theatrical lighting, we can turn your ideas into light.
Production: With our gear and the skills of our production technicians, we can efficiently execute ideas and design into a practical stage environment. We train our production team on all our gear so they can build it quickly and safely whether they are on a single day event, or two month tour.
Rentals: With an extensive gear list, there are a lot of options to choose from to ensure your event or tour maintains its own identity. Outside of the Mid-Atlantic region with a need for our gear? We offer shipping of our equipment so we can help you fill a sub-rental or be ready at the start of a tour.
Logistics: With over two decades of managing large scale events, our team can easily find the best solution for the transportation and set-up of our gear at your event.